Room and Board

The fees listed below include lodging, meals, bedding, towels, laundry service, electricity, hot water, and access to lab and conservancy. All fees are quoted in USD.
Fees for long term researchers (>30 days) are all-inclusive with no reduction for vacating on temporary basis.
Guests are individuals staying <2 weeks & are either visiting individually or visiting a resident scientist & not working for or assisting that scientist.

Mpala Fees 2016 (current)

Bookings may be placed with our assistant administrator and logistics manager, Cosmas Nzomo, at



Monthly invoices will be submitted to each researcher and payment is expected to be made upon receipt of invoice.

We require advance payments for those starting new research projects or those projects likely to incur heavy costs at some point where Mpala will need to facilitate payments on their behalf.

Pro forma invoices can be issued on request to facilitate payment of a deposit. Kindly note that the profoma invoice is just to make an initial deposit, an actual invoice will be submitted after the visit.

Researchers have 1 month from delivery of an invoice to issue complaints in writing, to If complaints are not issued within a timely manner, no changes to bills will be allowed. Any unpaid/undisputed bills will be charged a 5% interest fee after 60 days, a 10% fee after 90 days and 15% for each month thereafter. On-site researchers are requested to visit the finance office and review bills each month. Debtor payments may be made via cash at the Mpala offices, USD check to PNC bank in Princeton, New Jersey, bank wire, or by credit card to the on-line Mpala PayPal account (link found on research/fees).

Please make the necessary arrangements with your university, institution, or other source of funding for payment well in advance.

Payment of fees is the sole responsibility of the researcher / host - unpaid fees at the end of guest or family visits will be billed to the host.

Cash payment may be made in USD or KSh at our offices. You can also pay online using credit card or PayPal using the "Pay Now" button below or wire transfer or cheque can be made to our US-based bank (contact for banking details). NOTE: Wire transfers must be made in USD. We cannot accept credit cards at our Kenyan offices. As charges are in USD conversion for payment in Kshs is at a premium of the prevailing daily rate of the Central Bank of Kenya.

To pay online, please click on the "Pay Now" button below. A window "item amount" will appear.  Please calculate the amount to be entered in the "item amount" box as follows in order for Mpala to receive the full invoice amount:

To calculate the "item amount" please take the invoice amount plus $0.30, divided by 0.971.  Enter the calculated amount, click update, and proceed to fill out payment information.

Example: Mpala invoice for $525.00.  "Item Amount"= ($525 + $0.30)/0.971.  Amount to enter in the box should be $540.99.