Our Partners

In 1991, The Mpala Wildlife Foundation in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, Princeton University, the Kenya Wildlife Service, and the National Museums of Kenya established the Mpala Research Centre. The main goal of the partner organizations was to create a site for multidisciplinary research and training in Africa. The University of Michigan joined as a partner in 2011.



Collaborating Organizations

* Laikipia Wildlife Forum
* Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing
* Princeton University Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
* Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI)
* UCLA Centre for Tropical Research, Institute of the Environment

Agencies that have funded research at MRC

* United States National Science Foundation
* United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
* Smithsonian Institution
* African Wildlife Foundation
* Wildlife Conservation Society
* Lincoln Park Zoo
* St. Louis Zoo
* Whitley Foundation
* National Geographic Society
* Elephant Research Fund (KWS)
* Denver Zoo
* U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
* Chester Zoo
* Cleveland Metroparks Zoo

Agencies that have supported Outreach Programs of the Mpala Wildlife Foundation

* Save the Children Canada
* World Wildlife Fund

Other Fun Links

* The awesome photo gallery of African and North American wildlife and landscapes by Stefan Ekernas of the University of Montana

* The vast Kenyan bird photo gallery by Bradley Bergstrom of Valdosta State University

* Project ENDELEO the web-based tool that aims at promoting good environmental governance of vulnerable ecosystems in Kenya by providing access to updated remote sensing based information on the status of these natural ecosystems