
The Kenya/ East Africa Fellowship Program will be active from March 2017. Thanks to the generosity of our donors and partners, we will shortly be announcing a number of fellowships for East African Masters students, and for scientists from Kenya Wildlife Service and National Museums of Kenya.

Please note that the Mpala Fellowship Program from the Meeker Family Fund concluded in 2016.

Currently active fellowship programs include:

Smithsonian Institution and Mpala Postdoctoral Fellowship

The Mpala Postdoctoral Fellow in biology, anthropology, geology, hydrology, material science, social science, soil science or related areas resides at Smithsonian facilities AND Mpala Research Centre, Kenya.

In addition to the standard conditions for Smithsonian Postdoctoral Fellowships, the following apply:
(1) the research topic must be in area of science supported by Smithsonian that is also appropriate to Mpala;
(2) at least one half of the fellowship period will be spent in residence at Mpala;
(3) the fellow must be sponsored by a scientist at an appropriate Smithsonian unit (collaboration with multiple units is encouraged);
(4) the fellow must also collaborate with an appropriate Kenyan organization. This is usually National Museums of Kenya or Kenya Wildlife Service. Collaboration with international organizations in Kenya, such as the International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology, is also encouraged.

The fellow is expected to actively participate in the science community at Mpala, including in research open days, field courses, outreach programs, etc. The appointment would be one or two years. Stipends and tenure vary. Awards are contingent upon the availability of funds.

* Deadline: January 15 annually. Contact: Office of Research Training and Services, Smithsonian Institution, Victor Building 9300, MRC 902 P.O. Box 37012, Washington, D.C. 20013-7012, 202.275.0655, E-mail: siofg@si.edu , www.si.edu/research+study

Princeton in Africa Fellowship

Princeton in Africa matches college graduates with organizations working across Africa for yearlong service placements in sectors ranging from agricultural development and education to public health and conservation. The Princeton in Africa Fellow at Mpala has a variety of roles.  The fellow functions as a liaison between researchers and the administration, and help coordinate Mpala's outreach programs, which include our Laikipia Rabies Vaccination Campaign, the Northern Kenya Conservation Clubs program, training workshops and research open days. They support student groups and field courses by planning curricula and schedules of activities. In addition, they create Mpala's main publications, including our Mpala Memos newsletter, and help manage our social media platforms. Visit the program's website to learn more, and for application information: http://www.princetoninafrica.org/about/about-piaf/