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The Mpala Research Centre is located in Laikipia District, central Kenya. The property (20,000 ha/48,000 acres) is situated northwest of Mt. Kenya, 50km north of the Equator, and 50km from Nanyuki town. Mpala is bounded on the east side by the Ewaso Ng'iro river, and the north by the Ewaso Narok river. See Map

Lekiji School

Through donations from a board member, Mpala has managed to construct a school in he neighbouring Lekiji community and build an administration police residence. Apart from just building the school, other supporters have purchased and installed a water system at the school, and created the 'George Small Bursary Fund' (the late George Small who inherited the ranch from his brother Sam Small) to enable 8 Lekiji children attend secondary school. Mpala intends to expand this initiative through fund raising so that more children in the area can attend school.

Another board member in collaboration with the Rhodes scholarship fund and African Frontiers, has donated a water tank to the school and continued to renovate and donate books to many schools that George Small supported.